Institutional videos

Institutional videos: the studio creates and produces videos with specific experience in institutional films, videos for agencies and institutions, professional videos for institutions, institutions, foundations, filming for institutional videos.

We offer institutions, organizations, associations, foundations, for more than 20 years, institutional video and film productions for different institutions and in all languages.
For non-profit organizations, public or private associations, regions, municipalities, large and small. We have worked for a long time in Europe within the European Union and its various institutions.


Tools and technologies for institutional videos

We use the same machines, the same lenses, the same cameras that we have and that we use in mid-high-end television productions.
We have the internal know-how and the technologies to film, without the need to rent anything. Therefore, we can produce institutional films, videos for entities and institutions, professional videos for institutions, entities, foundations, without worrying about the time available and the tools that must be implemented.

We know how to tell the story, the purpose of an entity or an institution. We let your representatives speak in the scientific, cultural, political and institutional world.

Multilingual institutional videos

Since 1996 we present an entity or institution abroad, in new areas.
Institutional videos are already multilingual: not only English, Spanish, German, French, but Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
Each version of the institutional video is edited to adapt to different languages.
We know how to move discreetly in difficult environments, such as congresses, conventions, events, meetings.
We move easily throughout Europe. We are organized to move our material in our vehicles. We do this with all planned insurance policies.


Institutional Videos: prices and estimates

We have offers ready for budgets that are not high but with high expectations. We know how to manage complex productions to produce institutional videos that should be appreciated in global markets where investments in the communication sector are considerable.

An institutional film can be useful for the company, to celebrate its successes, a date, to show its identity (corporate video) in view of acquisitions, mergers or sales. In this case, you must show the structure of the company, how it manufactures its own products, explain why it prefers its own company over its competitors.

3 institutional videos in a single production

An institutional video, in a commercial, emotional or product context, is a communication tool to increase the reputation and sales of any large or small company. But it cannot be a single “institutional video

We deliver three versions at no additional cost: one for the website, one for the YouTube channel and social channels (Facebook) and another designed for trade shows, where the audio cannot be used and the perception of a corporate video is different.

Google rewards companies that have institutional videos and films, videos for entities and institutions, professional videos for entities, institutions, foundations, filming for institutional videos on their YouTube channel.


An institutional video increases the time a user spends on the site of an entity, company or institution.

This is a factor appreciated by search engines. If the institution offers an institutional video on its updated social media channels, it generates traffic to its corporate website.

Having an institutional video on the pages of your site increases indexing and an Adwords campaign without an institutional video, gets reduced results.
But they must be institutional films, videos for entities and institutions, professional videos for entities, institutions, foundations, films for institutional videos that are well told and, above all, well done. Institutional videos, not improvised.

Institutional video and films: examples

Institutional Videos
Article Name
Institutional Videos
Institutional videos, corporate and institutional videos, professional videos for institutions, foundations, shooting and institutional video production
Publisher Name
Giuseppe Galliano Studio
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