Video Tutorial and Video Instructions

Video tutorial: we are a video production company specializing in video tutorials, video instructions, “how to“, “how to do“, video courses, product videos for the corporate and industrial world.

We guarantee the company an experience of more than 20 years: we have produced instructions, tutorials, video courses, and e-learning systems for companies and industries in all sectors, in all languages. For multinationals, PMI, medium and large industries, small businesses.

If this is one of the first tutorial videos you want to order, maybe this Video Tutorials production guide  may interest you.

Video Tutorial and Technologies used

We produce video tutorials, video instructions, video courses, product videos. We show in detail industrial processes, activities in construction sites, use of machinery, equipment maintenance, simulations of software and hardware processes. What has been called “industry 4.0“. We work in parallel with Customer technicians to provide indications on products, use and maintenance. Tools for the end user, who may have recently invested in “industry 4.0“.

We implement the same technological devices that we use for medium-high range television productions. We can rely internally on knowledge and machinery without being obliged to hire. We produce video tutorials, product videos, video courses, video instructions, without worrying about the remaining time and the tools that will be used.

Video Tutorials, video instructions and areas of use

Over the years, we have developed video tutorials, video instructions, video courses, product videos, “how to“, “how to do” to

We know how to count a production line, how a machine, an assembly line, a robot, a logistics works.


Multilingual video tutorial: offers and costs

We do video tutorials, video courses, in all languages, with and without subtitles. Our video instructions, “how to“, “how to do“, product videos, video courses are already multilingual. They are designed for international users: not only English, Spanish, German, French, but Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

Each version of the video tutorial is edited to follow the different metrics of each language.

We have offers ready for low and reasonable budgets but with high expectations. We know how to manage productions with articulated prices for instructional videos, demonstrations, tutorials that must reach international markets: here the investments in communication are significantly different from those in Italy.

Video Tutorials and Critical Environments

We know how to operate in critical and dangerous environments: from automated assembly lines, between robots, in industrial lines, that we know how to describe in detail from beginning to end, to extraction wells, in the middle of the sea or on land.

We move easily and flexibly not only in Europe, but also in all parts of the world because we are structured to do so, moving the material in our vehicles. We personally follow customs practices in complicated environments with different rules. We do this with all the required insurance policies, and especially with highly specialized personnel.


Video tutorial for training and assistance

Product videos, instructional videos, demonstrations, “how to“, “how to do“, video courses should be able to indicate how to operate in certain situations, thus reducing the time of attendance, online and the place.
See accelerates understanding. But, above all, long and expensive class sessions are avoided. You will be released from the course location; trainers can participate for less time and those who receive the video tutorial or video course, or video instructions are free to participate when they deem appropriate
The attention remains high with different editing rhythms, sounds, 2D or 3D animations.

Live streaming and 3D for video instructions and training

We can organize e-learning sessions, interactive events, and remote live webinars using our sophisticated cross-platform video transmission technologies.
Often, the processes, the phases, the parts of the machinery are not easy to understand. Details are hidden or difficult to identify within a machine. In these cases, we use video 3D, schematic or photorealistic 3D virtual reconstructions to show how to intervene in the presence of events or simply to show the processes.

Combining the true with the synthetic, the real with the virtual is a narrative approach that has always fascinated us and of which we have been precursors.


Tutorials and monographs with a single record

It is easy to derive material for monographs or e-learning sessions or instruction manuals to leave interactive, static or dynamic objects from the production of video tutorials, product videos, video instructions, “how to” and “how to do it“, product video or video courses that explain how to do maintenance or simply how to use a car.
See some examples of our video tutorials, video instructions, “how to“, “how to do“, product videos or video courses for “industry 4.0“.

Video tutorials, instructions, video courses: examples

Video Tutorial
Article Name
Video Tutorial
video tutorials, video instruction production, how to how to do, video courses, product videos, industrial processes, machinery maintenance for industry 4.0
Publisher Name
Giuseppe Galliano Studio
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