Giuseppe Galliano
Born in Novara in 1966, Giuseppe Galliano graduated from Liceo “Carlo Alberto” in the same city.
He graduated in Law from the State University of Milan in March 1992, with a thesis in Latin on public law in the work of Valerio Massimo, cataloging it completely with computer systems (a novelty by then).
After graduating, he followed the beginnings of the first legal databases, specializing in the Italgiure-Find language at the State University of Milan.
He studied aspects related to the autonomy of Local Authorities with courses at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.
He specialized in the Industrial Union of Turin in the logistics organization of conference events.
He was a beta tester for the Windows NT operating system, 3D Studio and 3D Studio Max animation and modeling softwares from Autodesk-Kinetix and Solid Thinking.
He began his professional activity creating 3D simulations, reconstructions of computerized and virtual scenarios using animation software and three-dimensional modeling.
As a 3D animator, in 1994 and 1995, he became a demonstrator of Autodesk 3D Studio software on behalf of the national distributor Micrograph, for which he conducted numerous training courses.
Autodesk has repeatedly used his professional experiences as a “case history.”
In 1994, in the field of computer forensics, he created the first three-dimensional reconstruction used in a courtroom of the Italian court and in 1999 the first reconstruction of the visual field of a murderer, used in the Court of Assize.

He has produced, for the main Italian publishers (De Agostini, Giunti, Mondadori, Tecniche Nuove, Edizioni San Paolo) multimedia titles for large-scale distribution.
He has dealt with communication projects both online and offline for Italian public organizations (among others, Lombardy, Piedmont, Sardinia, Liguria), several European Union agencies (Era, Opoce, Efsa) and for important companies (among others, A2A, Bobst, ST Microelctronics, Bracco, Fiat Group Automobiles Financial Services, Aventis, Tre).
He has created innovative virtual sets, three-dimensional contributions and special effects for national television networks such as La7, Canale 5, Italia 1, 7 Gold, Odeon TV.
(Sfera, La Supermoviola del Processo di Biscardi, I tapirini di Striscia La Notizia)
Giuseppe Galliano is today one of the most requested Italian authors in the field of digital communication for the television, publishing, financial, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors.
He currently works as a producer of communication tools, through his own structure, Fabrica Art & Media, and as a service provider for video production, through Giuseppe Galliano Multimedia Studio.

Video productions