Forensic reconstructions and forensic animation
We provide technological support for expert reports and investigations. We use the same technologies that we use in other sectors, such as the analysis and digital processing of recorded, still or moving images.
We develop support technologies for forensic analysis (forensic reconstructions) to:
- Improve static, dynamic analog, audio and video signals
- Play virtually real 3D scenes
- Identify any modification or alteration of digital media.

Improvement in video surveillance images
Any type of recorded image that comes from video surveillance systems, amateur cameras, mobile phones, can be improved for comparisons or in-depth analysis (forensic reconstructions). The level of improvement is influenced by factors such as:
• The techniques identified
• Original equipment
• The methods with which images are treated.
In the case of an evaluation conducted by the Court of Appeal of Turin (2012) in order to be able to make comparisons between apparently illegible images, parts of the sequences that had better characteristics were isolated.
Given the widespread use of video surveillance systems, it is possible:
- derive useful elements to reconstruct, real and virtually, events with relative dynamics
- help identify the issues and media involved, always in relation to the quality of the data available at the source.
From the images recorded by security systems, indoors (banks, post offices, supermarkets) and outdoors (public parks, squares, streets, etc.) you can obtain data for the dynamic reconstruction of the event, to the identification of the subjects or means involved.

It is possible to reproduce episodes to be analyzed, filmed and compared with the results of digital image processing. Each investigation is an episode in itself and should be treated as such, integrating different software and technologies.
3D virtual reconstructions
An area in which we have operated from the beginning is that of 3D or virtual reconstructions.
In 1994, under the direction of the civil consultant Giancarlo Forte, we conducted the first virtual simulation admitted as evidence in support of a technical experience (forensic reconstructions) in an Italian courtroom. (Parma Court 12-12-1994).
In 1999, under the direction of Prof. Fabio Dossi (professor of physiopathological optics), we performed the first virtual reconstruction of the visual capacity of a subject suffering from visual deficit, in a court (Court Assise Novara 1999, Court of Appeal of Turin 2001 ).
Simulations and representations
Forensic reconstructions are divided into simulations and 3D representations.
- The simulation starts from the faithful reconstruction, objective in its entirety and comes to show what cannot be seen or visualized with traditional techniques.
- The representation illustrates an event to understand it better.

Both techniques do not solve anything autonomously, but they illustrate, explain, and possibly help demonstrate conclusions of experts such as
- The lawyers
- Public ministries
- The researchers
- The doctors
- Engineers – Experts – Technicians in general
In both cases a three-dimensional model of the place in question is created, corresponding to the real counterpart. Then, the objects and subjects present in the scene are constructed in three dimensions.
The same can be linked to the indications that can be obtained from documentary material (forensic reconstructions).
Fields of application
Once the virtual model identical to the real equivalent and a sequence of events that faithfully reproduce what happened (or are supposed to have happened) is obtained, it is possible to view the scene from multiple points of view: as the subjects involved or from a third point of view. (forensic reconstructions) This method is particularly effective for activities such as:
– Verification of testimonies and / or version of the accused.
– Kinematic analysis of accidents, roads, air, naval, structural.
– Analysis of dynamic and kinematic events.
– Ballistic analysis.
– Analysis of medical practice.
– Manufacturing defect analysis.
– Accident analysis.

Forensic reconstructions: case history