How to choose a company video provider and evaluate the price quotation
You intend to promote your company or your product because it will soon have a fair. You want to advertise and maybe this is one of the first times you ask yourself the problem. After requesting a quote by email, you must now decide which provider to choose to produce videos for companies, industrial films and promotional videos. I hope you can find useful information here to be able to evaluate an estimate in depth.
You searched Google for “corporate videos“, “industrial videos“, chose 4 or 5 different providers and now has to choose. How to understand who is the most reliable and credible provider for your company’s promotional video?
The reduction of the threshold of entry to the production of corporate videos is not synonymous with instant and simple success in choosing the most suitable partner for the production of the next promotional video.
To create quality video content, it is necessary to use non-negligible and complicated viewing techniques.
To make they become basic tools in the production of videos for companies, industrial films and promotional videos for authors, directors, screenwriters and editors.
The equipment: rental or internal material?
Rent the equipment
The rent costs less, at least at first sight.
It does not imply medium-term investments that will not be downloaded (at least this is believed) in the final cost of the corporate video.
It is true? I do not think so.
First, because a rental means wasting time to go and recover the equipment. And time is ultimately a cost.
Then, because the equipment is not used immediately during filming; this means that, when making the promotional video or video tutorial, waste time discovering how to configure or configure a device or mount an instrument.
Also, if you change your mind, you may really be missing an instrument, a lens, a type of camera that has not been rented. I witnessed embarrassing scenes between the client and the service owner about the availability of a lighthouse that had not been planned…
The classic case is the use of drones inside because it does not have a crane to record corporate video totals.
Use of own material
For this reason, for a precise commercial choice, in our studio we have technologies, without resorting to rentals. The material is always available, in its entirety, for each production: either an industrial video or a live broadcast event, a promotional video, a corporate video that will be used on the company’s YouTube Channel.
We may have forgotten something economically, but in this way we can describe a company. Fortunately, the technologies in the video production sector (who manage it, are almost always fans) are constantly updated from year to year. And then, let’s face it, it’s a pleasure to have so many machines available.
Here you see ours.
Without resorting to professionals (often using figures within the company or calling family / friends who may be filming weddings) it is not easy to achieve the established results.
The same goes for narrative semantics. Constant updates that only reliable partners can guarantee that they are essential.
Corporate videos and show-reel: evaluate references
Show reel: trust or not?
Show reel of corporate video or industrial video or promotional video: is it or isn’t it useful?
Video creators, video production houses and cameramen, should create their own promotion.
It is a synthetic summary of their activity, with emotional music, often known, in which the most effective images have been selected and highlighted.
A company that produces promotional films brings together in a single video the best of its corporate videos to present and promote itself.
The objective is to show the relevance of their clients (how to publish their logos on the sites) and at the same time display the most successful shots.
It is, of course, a promotional video made by several other films of the company.
What is the purpose of looking at it? Simply because in a short time you can realize what your interlocutor has realized.
Why not trust? Because it is obviously a promotional summary.
On the contrary, carefully observe the work of the portfolio; look at each one in its entirety.
And, above all, compare them with the years in which they were made. A video from 5 years ago has worse images than those recorded today.
Portfolio and Customers
Report all to the period in which the corporate or corporate videos you are watching were published. Technology advances and allows better and better products.
It is clear that an institutional video or a corporate film of 5 years ago is uglier than a video filmed today. But videos well made 5 years ago often work for at least 3-4 years.
But if the examples do not satisfy you or if they seem “boring”, know that it is not uncommon for Clients, that is, their colleagues, to have loved them that way.
Each work has its own story, because each Client rightly expects the video to reflect their identity.
Unfortunately, many do not accept the idea that a video is short, condensed and short-lived. A good video of the company should not last more than 3-4 minutes.
Many of my works reach 10-15. Why? They wanted them that way. It was not possible to do the opposite.
When you choose a supplier, in addition to the exhibition reel, you also examine the list of clients, the years in which a study has worked, the professional profile, the productions shown in the portfolio.
Contracts, quotes, costs, price lists of corporate videos
Communication is a sector that is often described in an ambiguous or too general way.
You will get an idea of the credibility of your interlocutor who is already analyzing the estimate you will receive.
Ordering an industrial video or a promotional movie is like buying a good, with identifiable features and accessories.
Contracts must reflect performance. If this does not appear in the proposal, change the interlocutor.
When requesting a quote, expect to see clearly the terms of service, the list of equipment used, the number of filming days, the number of interventions and the modification modalities, the rights of use, the rights to the music used. And delivery times.
Do not stop alone in costs, you may lose. Don’t you know how to evaluate whether the cost of the corporate video, if the price of the institutional video is correct? Read here
The same applies to insurance coverage: if you order a company video, an industrial video, a tutorial or a video on the site, the crew will have to enter areas subject to rules. To operate in those areas, even as an external provider, you need insurance coverage. Let them show it.
In short, it is always better to choose who does it for trade, who produces full-time videos, rather than who takes care of it as a second job, as a paid hobby.
And the drones?
Think of drones for aerial photography: ENAC regulations provide (and impose) a series of rules for those who handle aerial photography in a “professional” way.
That is, those who carry out activities that involve the use of the drone in “specialized operations” for consideration or not. How?
- Film shootings
- TV
- Photo sessions
- Territory surveillance
- Of plants
- Environmental monitoring
- Agricultural uses
- Photogrammetry
- Advertising
Well, one would expect that, since they are “specialized operations“, which is performed in almost all cases to provide a service, a service, in most cases paid, the operators were holders of a VAT number. Not all of them, maybe.
Some may claim that they practice filming aerial videos with drones as a secondary activity and, therefore, with a withholding tax
Try to cross the lists of ENAC license holders (both for so-called “non-critical operations” and for “critical operations“) for the professional use of drones with the number of VAT holders (even simplified).
You will be surprised to see that most do not have it. And how will you download the cost?
Corporate videos as instrumental assets for the company
Corporate videos, promotional videos, industrial films should not satisfy the ego of those who convert them or those who commission them, or simply enjoy those who produce them; they must work in the chosen audience.
It is not uncommon that this contrasts with the expectations of agencies or people who are responsible for marketing in the company. The corporate video should not be considered a cost, but an investment that generates a return.
Promotional videos, corporate films are strategic tools for the development of corporate marketing.
When focusing on a supplier, first of all verify its references, analyze the amount of videos it has produced, carefully evaluate (even if it is not your field) the machines and technologies it has. It takes little. Then consider the list of Customers, distrusting the “bombastic” references: when doing this work, it is obvious that we all work, more or less, for national broadcasters (Rai, Mediaset, Sky, La7). It is normal…
If the choice was incorrect, the corporate video will prove counterproductive to the company.
Some examples
Resources Guides Tips on how to make corporate videos
guide to corporate videos
If this is a new topic for you, you may be interested in this GUIDE TO COMPANY VIDEOS: why make them and how to get realistic quotes
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